The Portuguese tax ID, NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) is a crucial requirement for most activities in Portugal.
Obtaining an NIF doesn’t imply tax liability in Portugal, especially for income earned outside the country, if you don’t live in Portugal (thus a non-tax resident).
You can acquire your NIF well in advance of your visa application, even months or years before. It’s advisable to obtain it as early as possible.
We handle all the documentations necessary for the application for you.
What’s more, the first year’s tax representative is already included in the fees.
Documents needed: a clear copy of your valid passport (the identity page and the connecting page above, and the signature page) and recent address proof showing your name and address (utility bills or bank statement within 3 months).
*In order not to disrupt your tax communications, tax representation will be automatically renewed each year. If you have moved to Portugal in the meantime, please contact us to change your tax residence and cancel the renewal.
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